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1:1 Coaching

Some people receive better results when they have a real person working with them directly, helping them navigate the specific details of their unique situation, and holding them accountable in the moment to achieving their goals. If this sounds good to you, schedule a free consultation today!

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Individual Coaching

Discovery | Rewiring | Reclaiming


In this phase we will discover together what is really going on in your finances. We'll look at your spending and saving habits, how you think about money, and what your goals and values are. This will help us really understand your financial mind, which is is important because in order to build a plan that works for you  we need to know you.


The next step is to undo all the hard-wired components of your bad mindset and this involves undoing ways of thinking, unhelpful habits and anything else that is not aligned with what you really want. It involves trying out new things that support your needs, and really looking at the results.


This is the step where we reclaim your finances so you're always ready to take on new challenges and win the day. Now that you know what works for you, you'll truly see growth and progress towards more joy and alignment in your life!

Best for those who...

Struggle with executive function

Learn better 1:1

Need Other Support (i.e. business finances, inheritance, etc.)

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Where do you stand in the crossroads of your own finances?

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